Sunday, 27 September 2015


Most humans don’t like change. We try to avoid change and maintain what is familiar and habitual, even if it may not be in our best interest. Consistency and routine are what provide our lives with stability. I know I thrive on it. 
However, we all know that change is inevitable. We cannot move forward if things remain stagnant. This scary transition into the unknown is often the start of your next great adventure.
Losing a job, a loved one or a relationship, having a child, finishing your degree are life events that usually require change. Scientific research actually shows that our brains become wired with repetitive patterns. Once we switch to something unknown it takes time for the “fuses” in our brain now adjust and accept the new status quo.
During this transition is when we feel uncomfortable, even in pain, wanting to go back to what we know.. 
People learn by doing, reflecting, asking questions, looking at what is working and trying again. Sudden changes in life cause us to stop, step back and look at what we have been doing.  Seeking support and guidance from those who can challenge, care and offer some wisdom in the midst of change, enables us to walk through the difficult times. Combine this with listening to our “gut” or “inner voice” and it can be a time of personal growth and intention in the direction we want our lives to take. 

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