Thursday, 4 February 2016

My One Night Stand...

    Oh Carbs….My favorite Nemesis…..

I hear them calling my name as I pack my daughter’s lunch, or when I adjust my dinners to “Extra Veg hold the Rice…Please”. Don’t get me even started on the warm rolls with butter that accompany some meals.
Truth is, I actually have an ongoing fantasy that involves a tub of cake batter and eating my way out of it…I guess that should paint a clear picture of deep my obsession is….
Oh, how I can easily regress to a giddy schoolgirl experiencing her first kiss every time popcorn, bread and pasta pass through my mouth, my heart skips a beat and my toes curl.
Once I start, I can’t stop fantasying about the taste, texture and our next time together…
However, much to my dismay, my body (namely my thighs) also responds the same way, holding onto this lover and NOT letting go.
Like “Single White Carb female” or a “Carb Stalker”, I just can’t escape her aftermath.
Why could I not have this issue with Broccoli, or Beans?
That would be magnificent….
Maybe that’s what Heaven is…Endless carbs with no consequence…
But I digress…
Several years ago I vowed my Carb lover and I would only enjoy short-lived one night stands, several times a week. My goal was to look and feel good year round and with that I knew our nightly rendezvous would have to end. It was then I discovered how Carb Cycling and Backloading was a perfect fit for me.
To be clear I do not have a will of steel, I just recognize that the pleasure of feeling great outweighed the temporary pain of resisting my sweet temptress.
So my choice is to miss her when she is gone but as nibs, dark chocolate, rice, hot buns and sweet potatoes dance in my head I know….if I hold tight….Sunday is not far off…. And we will be reunited again…

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FB: Aeryon Bela Ashlie
TW: @AeryonAshlie

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