This past week was Anti Bullying awareness day. Schools and work places across North America wore pink shirts to show their support and acknowledgment in bringing an end to bullying.
My daughter and I have had many discussions regarding this issue. She understands that no one deserves to be made fun of, feel unsafe or have their feelings hurt. The analogy we use in our home is the "Emotional Bucket" from the children's book "Have you Filled your Bucket Today". The premise is we all have one and in our daily interactions with others we should be filling their buckets with positivity, not emptying them.
It was also last week that singer Keisha took Dr. Luke to court to gain control over her musical career and also alleged charges of Sexual Harassment and Bullying (amongst other things). So although we have such awareness of this issue it still seems to be ongoing, even as adults. I believe most just brush it off as a joke, suffer in silence and are too scared to speak up. So if these allegations are indeed true, I commend her. Stepping up to one of the biggest names in music would not be an easy decision or task.
So with this, I began thinking about the conversations I have experienced recently with various athletes and friends regarding bullying and harassment within the Fitness industry. They have shared with me that on occasions they have felt bullied, been talked down to or asked to do things that they did not feel comfortable with. Being part of a team or representing a brand is usually not your full time job, so I can see where the lines get blurred and there is a grey zone. Everyone becomes friends, they laugh, joke and yes, there probably are sexual innuendos thrown back and forth.
This is just part of the fun….No?
But how far is too far and at what point does it stop being fun…..and more importantly who’s the one measuring this.
We are all aware that this industry is sexual in nature. Fit bodies are used for advertising the benefits of product and hard work. I would possibly expect bullying from strangers or “haters” via social media. However, I never would have expected that the harassment would be happening internally. I believe whatever role you have with a company, if you are representing a brand or working as an employee there is a level of professionalism that is expected and required.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to be an athlete for various companies over the years and I have never experienced anything in this regard. I have always felt respected and valued. I was never degraded, asked to send “private pictures” or preform certain tasks that made me feel uncomfortable. Now, could it be that I am employed as an account manager for these companies so maybe that changes the way I am treated?
I don't think so....
I believe these positions should be viewed not only as a way to gain exposure, and further our athletic careers but also as jobs. In my day to day workplace I would never respond or entertain any derogatory language, therefore I would not accept it in my Fitness career. There is a level of professionalism that should be both given and received. I know there are many athletes out there that share the same sentiment I do.
However, with this industry evolving at such a rapid pace and so many young men and women coming in with stars in their eyes, it is important that there is a standard of complete non acceptance of this type of behaviour. From both ends.
I think of my daughter and how I would feel if I knew she was following her passion and being subjected to harassment. Her innocence and wanting to get ahead might lead to choices she may regret. Recognizing the importance of not accepting any type of harassment or bullying should not be a once a year event, but something we stand by each day.
I understand that everyone wants to become someone, but don’t lose sight of your actual worth, speak up when you feel disrespected, stand up if you witness bullying, and don't let someone pressure you to act in ways that go against your beliefs.
More importantly Don’t be "That Guy” or “Girl” who encourages or empties anyone's "Bucket"....
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TW: @AeryonAshlie
A.C treadmill is a sort of indoor activity machine that permits a man to walk, run, or run set up. Most are electric, yet some can be manual; both sorts work with a roundabout belt that circles around a stationary base.