Monday, 12 October 2015


We have all heard the saying “No Regrets.” I have used it on various occasions and posts. However, as of recent my outlook on regrets as changed.
Like others, I have tried to avoid regrets and make sure I was living life to the fullest. I now believe to live a fulfilling, authentic life of purpose regrets are inevitable.
When you look up the word regret, other words associated with this term are; anguish, annoyance, bitterness, heartache, and discomfort. These are emotions we do not pursue, but I know in my life it is when I am uncomfortable it results in self-reflection and growth.
We all have times we wish we could take back, a fight, a moment in which you should have said something different, a job loss, an ending of friendship, or staying in an unfulfilling relationship that no longer serves you. It is in those moments if we can look at our actions breakthroughs can occur. Often similar patterns will continue to show up over and over until we stop and reflect.
If we can learn from our past “lessons” then it can change the trajectory of your life.

So in short I don’t want a life of regret but I want a life of growth. This usually means having some regrets along the way.

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