This is one reason why I feel the Fitness community has grown so substantially over the past several years. Training for a show, or an event, provides you with direction and purpose. You become part of a community, speak the lingo (WOD, Fitfam, PR, 16/3/1 week out) and understand the end goal. It is a mini-family of sorts that offers support, and encouragement.
However, what I have also observed is once the fitness-event or goal has been reached there seems to be a struggle to keep that 'eye on the prize' mentality. Many people seem to lose the initial motivation that had previously drove them each day to push forward and excel. In some cases this can lead to an unhealthy cycle in which one aimlessly competes in multiple shows or events.
So, if fitness training can provide you with much needed purpose, how then do we find a balance when its initial drive has waned? Although there is a “community”, much of the fitness journey is spent analyzing oneself and being self-absorbed.
What I believe is that looking outside ourselves and learning to give back can be the key. Whether that be by sharing your story, helping others struggling on their journey, or even just encouraging someone in the gym who is new to fitness. There are so many ways to extend kindness and support to others in our community; a support that we ourselves often fall back on when things seem overwhelming. It is so easy to get wrapped up in oneself, but, often by helping others discover their own motive for health and fitness, we too can discover our true Purpose and Joy.
Follow My Journey:
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FB: Aeryon Bela Ashlie
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SC: AeryonAshlie
A.C treadmill is a sort of indoor activity machine that permits a man to walk, run, or run set up. Most are electric, yet some can be manual; both sorts work with a roundabout belt that circles around a stationary base.