Sunday, 31 May 2015

Carb Backloading Part 2

Part 2:

The Science behind Keifer’s Carb Back-Loading theory not only made sense to me but I know physically I function best on fats and protein.  I have more energy, think clearly, my training is better and esthetically I am happier with my look. So in the beginning of December I cut back from Carb night to Carb Back-Loading three times a week. 
I decided on having 30grms of carbs twice a week (Tuesday & Thursday) with a higher carb (100grms) night on Sunday.

My meal plan would consist of protein with fats for 3 of my meals, then 3 meals with just protein and veg. I had 25grms of protein per meal, 15-20grms of fats and I did not weigh the vegetables. However, I stuck to dark leafy choices.
For Example:
Meal 1: 6 Eggwhites, 2 Tblspoon of Udo’s,
Meal 2: Mahi with Greens
Meal 3: Chicken with Greens
Meal 4: Ground Turkey with Greens and 20 almonds
Meal 5: Shake
Meal 6: Eggwhites and 1 tbspoon of Udo’s
The 3 nights I had starchy carb’s I added them to the 6th meal of the day and they consisted of high glycemic carbs, such as white rice or pasta.
Sunday’s higher carb night always followed with a heavy lifting leg day on Monday to use all those sugars in my training.

For over a month I monitored and noticed I was getting leaner and tighter. In May and June I was planning photo shoots so I wanted to diet myself down using this method. I started by dropping one of my 30grm carb back-loads and kept my training and cardio the same. Each time I plateaued I would make minor adjustments to either my carbs, cardio or protein choices (taking out ground beef, replacing with chicken and fish).
This last 10 days before the final shoot I went full Keto with no Sunday backload (Ketogenesis is when your have no starchy carbs and your body uses fats for fuel).
I found using this method has prepared me for my 3 shoots. I was clear, focused, had energy, and great training sessions. I also did not resort to 2 hrs a day of cardio, and the max was 1.5hrs.
I also had to pay very close attention to how I was looking as I choose not to weigh myself for this prep.
The best part in doing this method on my own was learning to really listen to my body and what it needed. Since Carb Back-Loading has already been my way of eating this past year I am continuing on with this plan with slowly incorporating back in my carb nights.
Everyone has to find what works for them, and since the body is always changing I am sure I will make adjustments as I continue.

However so far….this method gets two thumbs up from me….


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