So....I have decided to experiment with Carb Backloading....after this last show my boyfriend Scott suggested I look into it. I have always generally been fearful of carbs as I believe most women tend to be, as the years have progressed, the carbs in my competition prep's have lowered and lowered. As I have said before in earlier blogs I do very well in ketosis, I can still train hard, have a clear mind and function with little carbs as long as I have fats. The Sunday after the show I began to look online into Carb Backloading and came across a whole host of video's regarding this topic from a guy known as Keifer. My goal is to be lean all year round, I am willing to put the work in, train hard, follow the diet but to achieve this, I need to find out what it takes to for body to get those results. After having months of show prep structure, to then have no diet structure will lead me back down the same path I have been before with food and my body issues. I now have defined goals with how I want to look year round, how I want to train and physically feel. I am tired of struggling with my body issues and I am looking to find something that works for me.
Carb Backloading seems to have the science behind it and makes logical sense to me. High fats all day and in the evening you consume your carbs after a training session. Instead of using low glycemic carbs you intake high glycemic carbs, which is very different to what I have always done. The premise is when you wake you are in a fat metabolizing mode and once you ingest carbs you slow down that process. It is about using carbs for a purpose, after you train to create and refuel your muscles. His book "Carb Night" suggests doing this every evening, however since I just finished a show I have decided to do this Carb Backloading once a week, with the hopes of eventually going every 5 days...3 days...2 days...then every night. I will consume good quality fats (nuts, coconut oil), lean protein's and vegetables 7 days a week, then on Sunday consume a high glycemic carb meal and then a little later some treats...(popcorn and nibs here I come). During the carb consumption I will judge how much I intake by how my body feels, as I feel my body start to become tighter and fuller I will slowly start restricting the carb intake, as that will be my indicator glycogen is absorbing onto my muscles.On the following day I will return to high fats and protein and also train legs with intensity using the extra glycogen I have consumed the night before. The premise also being, that the extra glycogen will carry me through the week until the following weekend when I will reload again.
I am also changing my training, I will still keep my 3 times a week classes that I love and instead of rapid training I am starting to train with my boyfriend, heavier, with more intensity, and more bodybuilding style. I tend to try to avoid pain and doing legs with him....well there is no avoiding. There also is no video's regarding carb back loading with girls and their experiences, so I am starting a weekly video log on my You Tube Channel to talk about my experience and if this is working for me and how I like it.
I am on journey to find out what works for me....I want to figure my body do I achieve the look I want year round....I am willing to put the work in to get the results I want. I am also enjoying trying this experiment, how my body reacts and responds to what I am giving it. So there might be tweaking to this, I might be adding ideas in from other diet and training philosophies but I am starting here....
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