Saturday, 1 February 2014

Let the Season Begin

   As of today Feb 21st I am 21 weeks out from the BC's which will be my first show of this year. I have taken some time off this year to give my body a much needed break. Last year I did 5 shows in a row and at the end my body was pretty pissed as me. Now when I take time off don't mistake that with falling off the fitness wagon. I do train pretty much everyday and I do follow program, I look at the judges feedback and try to bring a better package my next show based on their critiques. Last year at Nationals I was told I was borderline to muscular so based on that I need to bring in a bit softer package this year. I tend to gain muscle fairly easy so this off season's training was quite different for me. Lots of Plyometrics and weights with little cardio which I loved.
I love this lifestyle and I love training it is something I have done since I was 16 and will continue doing until I'm not able to move anymore...I always joke with one of my best friends we will be the two little old ladies in the old folks home doing quarter turn to the rights....
I am excited for this season, I am starting now by having a cheat night every 2 weeks, slowly easing my way down. I bought my favourite Butter Spray a competition must for me and I have been trying to keep my reward meals "Professional" as my coach would say:)

                                                    All Stocked and Ready to Go!!!

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Aeryon Bela Ashlie

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