Well...This is it, day before 2013 Nationals, I have given 150% for this show and I believe this is the best package I have ever brought to stage. I depleted carbs for 3 days from Monday till Wed so protein and fibrous carbs only needless to say I was exhausted. I had 2 photo shoot and 6 video shoots to do in that time plus training, working and my 5 year old.....I made it through!!!
As I did my last cardio session yesterday morning on the rotating stairs I broke down in the end....I always find it emotional when I am done show prep, this sport is such a mind game and essentially all up to me, either I do it or I don't, there is no blame. Noone is there holding my hand making me do cardio, begging me not taking extra nibbles of food, making sure I lift weights, this is my journey and I did it! In this sport I am accountable to myself and if you are able to push through the pain to set your mind to a goal and accomplish it...well nothing beats that feeling...
So today and yesterday I got 45grms of Rice and some fats to fill out a bit...yippee!! This afternoon I goto registration, and the athletes meeting which is always great to see old and new friends. Then tomorrow I get to put on the sparkling "Waikini" (as Mekaella would call it) and show what I got!!
I wanted to thank my sponsors Sd Pharmaceuticals for their amazing support and products that have brought me to this level. Also all my friends and family who are coming to cheer me on. This has not been an easy prep, but I am ready to ROCK!!! Stay tuned for updates!!
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Aeryon Bela Ashlie
So proud and super excited for you!! <3