Monday, 25 November 2013

My turn as a Coach...Stage Mom...

A couple weekends ago I was on the opposite end of the stage, I was a coach and support to 2 wonderful ladies who worked really hard towards their goal of competing and stepping on stage. It was a wonderful experience and more nerve racking watching them then when I am on stage.  I had been working with both of them for months towards this goal and in the final days I tanned them (by hand), went over every last detail and nervously waited for their big moment. Seeing all their hard work and dedication come to fruition was amazing and to live through them was an incredible experience!! I am so proud of both of them and thankful they trusted in me!! Great job girls!!!

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                                                        Aeryon  Bela Ashlie

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Stacking your Supplements

People often ask me what "Stacking" is when I talk about how I take the different SD products. Stacking Supplements can be done by adding extra of various products to the ones you are taking or adding one specific component of the formula you are currently taking. For example Ripped Freak fat burner contains Raspberry Ketones, by adding Sd Pharmaceuticals Raspberry Ketones that will increase the fat burning effect.

How I stack my products is I take several (3-4 depending) different single ingredients at the same time thus creating my own Fat Burner, I tend to be sensitive to Fat Burners and do not like the jitters so I am taking Dendrobium (focus and clarity), Green Coffee Bean (Stabilizes Blood Sugar), Green Tea (mild caffeine/antioxidant) and Raspberry Ketone (Fat Burner). I feel fantastic on this combination, don't feel out of sorts and I have control over what I am taking instead of taking a Proprietary blend which I never know the dosages of what I am taking.

I now stack my hormonal support as well so that stack consists of Anti-A (estrogen blocker) and DIM (converts bad estrogen to good estrogen). I also rotate my products every 3 months so my body does not become too accustomed to what I am taking.

I really like the fact I have control over what I am taking,  I know how my body reacts and I do not feel "weird" or "off".

                                           For more info about my diet and training please goto:
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                                                              Aeryon Bela Ashlie

Monday, 23 September 2013

After Show Sodium Scare

So this year after my show I had a very scary reaction to sodium. I had reduced my sodium intake roughly 2 weeks prior to Nationals, I also did a diuretic the week of the show and dropped my water 1-2 days prior. After the show I flew to Toronto for my National Sales Comference, I did enduldge in some great wine, cheese, and dark chocolate, nothing that I had not done years previous after a show. By Thursday afternoon I noticed my shoes were getting really tight, at the end of the night I could not do my shoes up. Friday morning they were progressively worse and when I flew home Friday evening my whole body was bloated and uncomfortable. I started panicking, I could not wear my shoes and when I walked off the plane it felt like I was walking on pins and needles, so I decided to goto the hospital.  
After 3-4 hrs, blood tests, urine tests, the doctors could not find anything wrong, they stared in disbelief at the size of my feet and they had not seen anything like that before. So they told me to elevate my feet, go home and if I became short of breath to come back immediately as it would then be a possible heart issue. 
So I headed home and was in tears as I looked at my body in the mirror, the person who had been on the National Stage a week prior was replaced by a puffy mess, I did not even recognize my body and I was easily 10-15lbs heavier.  Mentally I was trying not to freak out (which was happening), luckily Scott came home on Sat and was able to reassure me that it was just sodium and water retention. He bought me Epson salt's which I bathed in for 4 nights in a row. By the following Friday my body had for the most part returned to normal, however it really taught me that taking sodium out too soon causes an adverse effect on me, so the trifecta of no sodium, diuretics and water dropping had pissed my body off. 
With each show it gives you a chance to grow and learn, and share with others your experience hopefully helping them with their decisions and choices. 

                           Friday Night at Hospital

Following Friday 

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Aeryon Bela Ashlie

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

My Work Family

I am a lucky girl in many aspects of my life,  I recognize and truly appreciate of these aspects is my career. As an Account Manager for a Supplement company I get to combine my love of health and fitness with selling top quality supplements that I believe in. I have been with my company for 7 years now,  they are my extended family who I spend many hours a day in phone and email contact with. Once a year we all get together at our annual sales conference and spend 3-4 days together going over new products, previous years sales, new selling ideas, sharing on the road experiences, learning about new products, getting motivated,and we also manage to get some great laughs in there too. I have always heard if you find a job you love it does not feel like sometimes this is a very time consuming job, I work 7 days a week, I am 100% commision  so my whole income relies on my ability to provide excellent customer service, have a strong presence in my stores both personally and with my products, and to use my creativity for new sales ideas. 
For 5 years my brothers and I owned and operated a pert store in Toronto, I loved being an entrepreneur and it is such hard work. I respect how much work and dedication it takes to run a small business, what I really love about my job is I have the ability to live vicariously through my stores. I think what I would have wanted for my business and my expectations for a rep and try my hardest to provide as I return from this years sales conference I m excited for the new ideas I will be able to give to my stores ....

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Aeryon Bela Ashlie

Monday, 26 August 2013

Nationals 2013

Well 2013 Nationals are now over, it was a very gruelling show prep filled with a ton of hard work and dedication. I really learned to draw deep within myself, to see my own personal strength and determination to accomplish my goal. I must say that is the one thing I love about competing....this is my journey...I am the only one accountable, my choice to wake up, do the cardio, lift the weights, prep the food. As in life you get what you put into it, I believe this is my best package I have ever brought to stage, looking at my photo shoots I could see the difference between last years shows, the 2013 Arnold's and this years Nationals. I had improved my legs and glutes brought in a rounder 
my shoulders, my waist was tighter. I changed my whole pose, switched sides and tried fo create more of an illusion of a smaller waist. Also I had sparkled my whole suit myself paying attention to every detail, matching my nails to the crystals on my suits, hair and makeup. I really wanted to feel at the end of the day that I had given it my all.
With bikini however you never know what the judges are looking for, it is a confusing sport that way, there seems to be no standard guideline, are the looking for conditioned, soft, curvy, muscular? Every show seems different and every judging panel has a different idea as to what their perception of "Bikini" looks like. 
So not only is this sport a mental game with the prep but also with the show itself,  at the end of the day all you can do is bring your best package and wait and hope that that is what they are looking for in that show. If not you have to find peace with the fact you gave 150% no should have's, would have's, could have's.......then look at the pictures, get their feedback.....and go back to the training drawing board.....

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Aeryon Bela Ashlie

Saturday, 17 August 2013

My Love...My Support...My Rock

I wanted to take this blog to thank my Boyfriend and Love..... Scott. This show prep has not been easy on him, going to bed alone (I'm passed out already) and waking up every morning alone (I'm on the treadmill) is a sacrifice he makes among many to support my dream. He has been the voice of reason when the scale is not moving, my best friend listening to countless ideas about my suit, hair, makeup, my private coach giving me advice on my posing, and the arms that hold me when I am having an emotional day. I am so thankful to have this man in my corner for love and support, I wanted him to know how special he is to me and how much I appreciate all that he does on a day to day basis. I am so blessed to have his heart, his love, patience, encouragement, devotion the list goes on and on....
Thank you babe for loving me the way you do....I love you...

Friday, 16 August 2013

2013 Nationals

Well...This is it, day before 2013 Nationals, I have given 150% for this show and I believe this is the best package I have ever brought to stage. I depleted carbs for 3 days from Monday till Wed so protein and fibrous carbs only needless to say I was exhausted. I had 2 photo shoot and 6 video shoots to do in that time plus training, working and my 5 year old.....I made it through!!!
As I did my last cardio session yesterday morning on the rotating stairs I broke down in the end....I always find it emotional when I am done show prep,  this sport is such a mind game and essentially all up to me,  either I do it or I don't, there is no blame. Noone is there holding my hand making me do cardio, begging me not taking extra nibbles of food, making sure I lift weights, this is my journey and I did it! In this sport I am accountable to myself and if you are able to push through the pain to set your mind to a goal and accomplish it...well nothing beats that feeling...
So today and yesterday I got 45grms of Rice and some fats to fill out a bit...yippee!! This afternoon I goto registration, and the athletes meeting which is always great to see old and new friends. Then tomorrow I get to put on the sparkling "Waikini" (as Mekaella would call it) and show what I got!!

I wanted to thank my sponsors Sd Pharmaceuticals for their amazing support and products that have brought me to this level. Also all my friends and family who are coming to cheer me on. This has not been an easy prep, but I am ready to ROCK!!! Stay tuned for updates!!


                                                        For more on my diet and training visit:
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                                                                      Aeryon Bela Ashlie

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Sister Friend

Many of us have them......our Sister Friends, those women who have been there for you through the thick and thin. The Friends who when you see each other it feels like there is no time between visits.  I have many wonderful women in my life who I do consider my "Sister Friends" however there is one who stands out...

It 10 years ago I met my "Sister Friend" she is me but in a different form. We met competing in Calgary backstage over some chocolate, pnt butter and rice cakes,  we connected instantly. When I was transferred for work to Calgary a year later we had kept in touch.  I will never forget our first "lunch date" at Starbuck's with our boxed lunches, of fish and beans (funny some things never change). After this meeting as I drove home and called my mother when she asked how lunch was I responded "Mom, I will know this girl for the rest of my life".
I knew that in this girl I had found a kindred spirit,we have been through so much as friends, births, death, love, heartache, diets, marathons, competitions, work drama, life drama the list goes on and on. Through it all we are each others biggest fans, we can sit up till all hours laughing and talking about the exact same thing over and over. We can talk at the same time and yet we know exactly what the other is saying. We often wonder if she maybe could have been my long lost sister...but with her wonderful CoCo complexion.....there could be no way...

So at this years Nationals Miss Sarah is traveling yet again to scream out my name and give me support. For her and our friendship I am eternally grateful....I hope all you ladies out there have one or many  sister friends.....

                                                   Our Second Year Competing Together:

Last Year Nationals

For More information regarding my Supplements and Diet please visit:
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Aeryon Bela Ashlie

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Nationals Show Prep

This years prep for Nationals was a tough one for me...from the Arnold Amatuer's to this show I did not follow my Primal diet as I had done in the past which caused a little higher weight gain. That started playing with my head, I have also gained more muscle from last years show so the scale was not  dropping like I wanted it too. Although I know that a bikini competitor is not subject to a weigh in and it is how you look,  the scale still mess's with my head.
I found myself in a dark place several times really struggling with my Bulima which was the exact reason I did not want to do shows anymore. It causes a constant obsession on how you look, what you weigh and what you eat. I have done alot of work on myself in the past to curb the voices and gain control over my bulimia.  Even though I know better it can be a struggle. I will always have those voices come up even if I am doing a show or not and it is up to me if I give into them, what kind of life do I want to live what kind of example do I want to be to other women and my daughter.
So I pushed through, I had to stop being so hard on myself,  give my body the love and respect it needs, instead of getting angry with the scale not moving, start appreciating the strength and beauty of this amazing body I have been given. I realized that before I know it the show will be over,  this is my time to give all I can to be the best I can be in this area of my life and that is all I can expect.
I continued to do my best, to try not get obsessed with the scale but rather with trying to bring my best package to this show,  giving my 150% each training session and with my diet.  This is just a small part of my life in the grand scheme of things but for those 16 weeks it becomes such a focal point it gets hard to keep it in perspective. As a women there is already so much pressure on us to look a certain way, add a competition and being on stage in front of hundreds of people and it gets pretty intense.
So as I finish this show journey I continue to work on being kind and loving to this body that enables me to do so much...

For more information on my diet and training program please visit:
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Aeryon Bela Ashlie

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Corseting for Bikini

     When I went to the Arnold amateurs in Feb I was talking to a lady about trying to create a more hour glass shape,  she suggested I look into corseting for my next show.  I unfortunately do not have the hour glass look that is desired for Bikini and according to her many top Bikini Girls are using them. When I returned home I did some research on them then left it alone.
    In April the lady who makes my suits "The Suit Lady" started selling Squeams which are essentially corsets. So I bought one, it is amazing how much it pulls you in and for the first several hours it is ok and not bothersome. They suggest wearing for several hours at a time until you get used to it then going all day and night. However,  I drive for a living so to be sitting in a corset all day is very VERY uncomfortable, so I opted to wear it at night every night when I sleep.
   The idea is that the pressure of the corset shapes the lower ribcage and waist. The lower ribcage is flexible and it bends slowly under pressure of the corset. Both halves of the ribcage are drawn gradually together and the circumference of the waist is reduced. When the corset is unlaced the body accommodates slowly back to it's natural shape. When you wear a tight laced corset for a considerable amount of time the compression of the waist will stay for some time after the corset is taken off.
     So I have done that, now have I noticed a big difference? Hummm...I believe I have and I will take any extra shaping I can get....

I have attached some picture of my squeam when I first put it on and when I take it off in the morning. Also my bruises from wearing it, when I sleep it must press on this one spot because I have developed quite the bruise. I have 2 options for the how tight I have it and I have now graduated to the tightest it can go.

                                          All Ready for Bed...

The next morning

Up close you can see how tight it is on my skin

My bruise (looks worse in person)

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Thursday, 18 July 2013


   I am now 4 weeks out from Nationals and part of my Supplementation Line up is Anti A (blocks Estrogen) and DAA (increases testosterone). Reason being is estrogen is what causes women to hold more fat then men, and since I am trying to lean down for my show I want to slow that down. I also want to increase my testosterone which is what creates more muscle. Now this will not make me grow facial hair or look like a big bodybuilder but what is does is helps my body create more lean muscle tissue and burn more fat. This along with my diet and exercise is what is helping me reach the look I want on stage this year.
   Now that being said ....I am very excited about SD's newest addition to the line up, DIM. What is DIM you ask?
   DIM is a compound of Vegetables, Broccoli, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts,  Cauliflower and Kale. Dim is a plant based compound that helps maintain healthy hormonal balance in the body and supports overall wellbeing. This is also beneficial for breast, uterine, cervical, prostate health and there are also many studies showing their anti cancer benefits as well.
Now how this works is Estrogen is broken down in the body into different metabolits. Each of these metabolites has a different effect on the body. Some metabolites are low estrogenic (good estrogen) and offer many benefits in the body and some are highly estrogenic (bad estrogen) which is not what we want. Estrogen is what gives women more fat and a high estrogen count can also lead to different forms of cancer.
  The accumulation of fat around the belly, hips and glutes is partly due to excess "bad estrogen" levels combined with falling testosterone levels. DIM is shown to help lower excess estrogen and promote the fat-burning 2 hydroxy metabolites. My problem area is my glutes and back of my thighs so in taking DIM with my other SD products (mentioned above) I am hoping to convert some of the "bad estrogen" to "good estrogen" thus tightening up my problem spots.  So with increasing my "good estrogen" this not only helps with my overall hormonal balance, increases my antioxidant activity, but it can also stimulate the breakdown of fat while encouraging muscle development.
  So to summarize.....DIM can be used at any age as part of a weight loss or strength training program. DIM helps promote a healthy hormone balance that in turn enables you to achieve peak exercise efficiency and healthy aging (don't we all want that!!). Hormone balance is what helps you resist aging, stay healthy and get the most from you exercise and weight loss efforts, which are all amazing things...

I have been stacking these 3 products together for my Nationals contest prep and I am really amazed with the results. I plan on continuing with DIM after my show to promote "good estrogens" and hormonal balance in my diet...

For more information on DIM and other SD products please goto:
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Sunday, 14 July 2013

Brave Men of Bikini Girls....

Bikini chicks can be a hard bunch to date. It takes a special man to understand and support us in our contest prep. The constant obsessing on our diets, training, suits, heels, posing, the tears, tiredness, unbalanced hormones, zombie like state at times, mini no carb freak outs, the list goes on and on....
I am super lucky to have a wonderful man who puts up with it, encourages me, and pushes me forward....I want to give a special shout out to all those men especially mine who is there every step of the way...
I am writing a list of some of the questions he has had to deal with as I am sure many Brave men of Fitness girls will find familiar....

Am I retaining water?
Do I look different?
I don't wanna go back for a second round of cardio...
Why am I doing this?
What does this pose look like?
Do I have a ledge?
I need to bring my waist in...
How many carbs are in that?
My coach is going to dial me in...
Do you think I will be dialled in?
I'm 8...7...6...5...4 weeks out
I'm carb loading
I'm protein only
I'm dropping water
Will I be ok?
I can't believe you eat that...
Gawd.... I can't wait for this to be over
 I never want this to end
 I feel great!
 I'm soooo tired
 Just 1 almond won't hurt?
 I'm either pregnant or just lost my period...
 OMG look at Natalie Mateo's butt!
 I'm gonna practice posing....will you watch?
 Should I add more sparkles?
 Sooooo ummmm my new gonna cost......
 I'm not doing this to win....I just wanna be my best conditioning...
 I'm so gonna kick ass...
 OMG......I want Peanut Butter soo bad
I'm never eating Peanut Butter again.. here are all the fabrics I have to choose from....which one do you like??
Have you seen my suit colour?
You just ate a cookie???......Kiss me!!!!

My Patient Man Watching and waiting for my morning cardio to be over.....

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Thursday, 13 June 2013

What Pushes Me

Today I was visiting with one of my accounts. He asked me a question that has sat with me the rest of the day....
What is it that pushes me? There are many people in this world that are content to just "be" why am I not one of those. We then carried on to discuss what that is for me. I find that I cannot just sit still, I have always been that way, since a child my mother was always running after me, I had somewhere to go...even at 2 years old...
I find I always expect more from myself, I have always made lists....daily...monthly...6 month...1 year...5 year...10 year and if I look back now it is interesting to see how many of the goals that I wrote down I have accomplished. I have a very strong inner actually an inner scream that tells me to aim high and keep going. This has been a great strength for me in many areas of my life
however that comes with a price.  I find I also have a hard time just being, not doing anything.... to me relaxing is almost a chore.
This is one of the areas I need to work on....funny though....cause right now I had 15min before I have to pick up my daughter.....and I decided to I'm gonna go try to just sit and see how that works out....

For more about my training and supplementation tips check out:

Monday, 3 June 2013

SD White Kidney Bean

One of my go to products when I going to have "Reward meal" that consists of Starchy Carbs is White Kidney Bean by SD Pharmaceuticals. This product blocks to 80% absorption of Starchy Carbs!!!!

How does it work? Well WHB extract blocks the main carbohydrate enzyme, alpha-amylase, and thus reduces the digestion of the carbohydrates in the small intestine. Carbohydrates that are not digested in the small intestine pass through the body before they can be absorbed!! Thus having a dual impact on supporting weight loss: 1: it reduces the amount of calories absorbed and 2: it reduces the negative impact carbohydrates have on fat metabolism!!

It actually works!!

Just take 15min before your meal and this is a product that you don't notice anything the next day:)

So your next Reward Meal...Try this goto product!!!

For more information

You can also see my training and diet program there!!

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Sunday, 26 May 2013

12 Weeks Out

Well I am 12 Weeks out from Nationals so the no cheating at all now kicks in. I see my coach Darren  this week and we will put together a game plan. I am excited about Nationals, I have spent a lot of time training and building up the area's I believe I struggle with so I am excited to see the final results.
 I don't take time off from training, usually the Monday after the show I am back at it. This something I need to do, I get quite grumpy if I don't get a workout in, and if you don't believe me ask my family members about the trip to Arizona...
I have been going to the gym since I was 16, it started with my Dad's influence and turned into a passion for me. I have spent countless hours in the gym... I was in the change room when Princess Diana died, I was on the weight room floor when the OJ verdict was read and I was on the Treadmill when 9-11 happened.
Funny to think how much time I actually spend there, always wanting to improve, and trying become better. It is not only physically but also mentality, envisioning my goals, pushing through any excuse and then seeing the final result makes it all worth the time and effort. I believe that the gym is a great metaphor for life....always keep pushing through obstacles, work towards what you desire, do your best and the hard work will pay off.
So here I go new goal.....Nationals 2013.....Here I come

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Strawberry I come!!!!

     I admit I am a creature of habit, I tend to do the same routines everyday, I don't change much. The whole idea "If is not not broke don't fix it" well I follow that to a T.....
   Especially when it comes to my hair I have always been blonde....ALWAYS.....I have wanted to try different colours but I have been to scared. 
  Well, today is the day, I am going for it! I am going strawberry blonde...with blonde highlights (have to keep something). My brother are both redheads so I think I can pull it off.....well I certainly hope so!!!.....Ekkkkkkkkk....

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

My Slurpee!!

So one of my favourite treats is my famous "Crystal Lite Slurpee'" I discovered this many years simple satisfying. 

Crystal Lite (any flavor...Mohito has been my new favourite) 
Diet Sprite or Soda Water

Blend till Slurpee consistency.....I enjoy these at nights when I crave something sweet, or I have the urge to munch....this gets me through...

If I really want sweet I will add extra Stevia...

And......every now and then....I add some vodka for a low calorie Slurpee Cooler....:)

For all my diet and training please visit:

Monday, 22 April 2013

Beauty and Beast.....

So we have started our own Personal Training company. Beauty and Beast training, it makes sense, we both get asked on a regular basis about training, diet and exercise. So why not start back training people again, I was a trainer for a number of years in Toronto, and have always had a passion to help people realize their full potential. Scott also was a trainer in the army for a number of years and was a very successful Body Transformation expert in Medicine Hat, so it seems like a no brainer....
I myself have a wonderful coach and trainer I work with and I do believe having someone in your corner to give you guidance is essential. Being held accountable to strive and reach towards my goals, encouraging me, and helping me get back on track is all what a good coach and trainer does.
So if you are looking for someone to stand in your corner, push you, advise you, and transform your body to be what you have always wanted to be Scott and I would love the opportunity to help you reach your goals...

You can find us on Facebook as "Beauty and Beast Training" 
Or you can contact us via email

Monday, 15 April 2013

Creatine HCL.....Not just for Guys!!

So many woman are scared of creatine, scared of building too much muscle, getting "bulky", gaining weight, water retention and taking what they think is a man's product. Well, I am here to tell you Creatine HCL by SD Pharmaceuticals  is not only a fantastic product for men but a very beneficial for women. 
I myself use this product, it gives me continuous energy, endurance, and strength  by replacing ATP. ATP is the very first energy source your body uses when doing any movement. So having this available as a constant source your body will recover faster, create strength and muscle fibres, which in turn means more muscle which burns more fat. The advantage of Creatine HCL over creatine monohydrate is it does not cause water retention, there is no loading, and the body absorbs it faster. Plus it tastes like pink lemonade....I mean really who does not like pink lemonade...and the newest flavour delicious...
Creatine will not make you a monster, so do not be afraid to train hard, lift heavy and use products like Creatine HCL.
Developing muscle growth and size that is often associated with these type of products actually comes from diet. I train heavy I train hard and I eat right and I am not a 200lb muscle head. Guys have to work just as hard to gain weight as we do to loose weight, they eat continuously (damn them) while we count our calories...
Another note is the benefit for seniors, I have my grandma on Creatine. As you get older your body does not produce as much creatine so for seniors to have 5grams (roughly teaspoon)  will help with energy levels, muscle recover, muscle if you have a senior in your life....consider getting this product for them as well....

For more information regarding SD HCL Creatine please check out

You can also see my training program and diet there as well....

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Once a Bridesmaid....

What a wonderful wedding we attended this weekend. Full of love, laughs, tears and a stressed out bride. This was the first time I was a Bridesmaid, so I lost my bridesmaid virginity as Watching my girlfriend of 10 years find the love of her life and now to watch their lives grow together, I feel so honoured to have been asked to be a part of such a special day. Weddings have a way of leaving us believing in the power of love and that we can all find that one person to walk through life with.
We all have the dream of finding that person....."Your Person" the one who supports your dreams, loves you with your faults, and at the end of the day still wants to stand beside you. I have been fortunate enough to find this person and I look forward to my wedding day where I stand at the end of the isle looking into my future....

Friday, 5 April 2013

Toronto Bound.....

Well we are off to Toronto, I am going to be a bridesmaid for the first time to my sweet dear friend Jen. Any chance to get back to the city I love I jump at. When I was 16 my aunt surprised me with a ticket to Madonna and a flight to the city I wanted to make my home. Walking down Yonge street I looked at my aunt and said "One day I will live here" 5 years later that dream came true.
There is an energy to Toronto that reminds me of Canada's version if New York. Always something to do, see and the diversity is amazing, I spent my 20's in this city growing up, setting the groundwork to where I am and who I am today.  My brothers and I had our pet food store for 5 of those years we all lived together which in hind sight should have been a reality 
I have made many lifelong friends in this city and luckily with Facebook we all still keep in touch. Every time I am back the city has grown and changed,  I guess part of me thought it would stop. I even find it hard to return home to Vancouver, however home is where my heart is and although I miss the energy and excitement of and this amazing city...I know they cannot compare to the love and the wonderful life I am blessed with  in Vancouver.  however.....there will always be a part of me that refers to Toronto as my 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

SD Green Coffee Bean!!

I love this product!!!!

  SD Green Coffee Bean has been such a huge part of my supplementation program this past year. This product helps stabilize blood sugar so you don't "crash", increases Fat loss, it's a Powerful Antioxidant, non stimulant, 100% Natural and Caffeine Free, and one of my top favourite Supplements!!
 How does it work?
Well.....Chlorogenic acid  has a significant influence on glucose metabolism and demonstrates a significant improvement in glucose tolerance. This in turn helps the body reduce fat and increase fat burning!! Gotta LOVE THAT!!!
I also really found that I did not feel like I was getting light headed throughout the day. I did not need as many coffee's, which is also great!

Check out for more info about this product!!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Post Arnolds


   It has been 1 week back from the Arnold's and I must admit it is coming down from a high of some sorts. I am now trying to get back into the rhythm of "normal" life, I had an amazing time down in Columbus I am so happy I did it. I am not sure of my placing there were 35 girls in my height category and all I know is I brought the best package I have ever had and that is all I can really do. So what is next?

  I have roughly 6 months till Nationals and now I am going to really start working on bringing my legs and glutes tighter, I know that is my area I need to work on. I have decided to not train upper body as much I find my arms/shoulders looked quite ripped for bikini. So tweaking and fine tuning....I have never approached training like this, more of a technical aspect, really looking at what I need to do to bring the best package and improvements to my body. I am excited as to how it will come together.

I did enjoy dinners out and some sweets the past week but today I started back to my normal routine. I really enjoy eating clean, I feel better, my energy is better, and I see the changes in my body. I don't agree with the "off season" mentality, so tonight my lovely boyfriend prepped my food and I am ready to get things going again....however that being said....I am so happy to have peanut butter back on my Breakfast Team again!!!

Friday, 1 March 2013

Thanks Babe

For every competitor who takes the stage there is usually a support team behind them. The team at home who cheers them on, puts up with the none existent social life, the endless hours of training, food prep and moments of exhaustion. This is a very "self involved sport" it is trying to better yourself with each show and to see the changes and progress you have made on your physique. It takes a lot of patience and understanding from a partner as for the duration of contest prep they essentially loose that person.
I am one of the lucky competitors who have had an amazing support behind me on this journey. Ten months ago my boyfriend encouraged me to go back into my first show. Now 4 shows later he is still encouraging me to be my best I can be. Pushing me out if bed in the morning, encouraging me to finish my last rep, listening to the endless talk of diet, carbs, fat, bikini's, posing ect....
I wanted to take this blog to dedicate it to him.....Thank you for all the love and support, for being there for me on this journey, I am so lucky to have you in my life....I Love You!

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Tonight.....A New List....

It is amazing to think that almost 10 years ago I wrote a list of goals on a small piece of paper and carried them in my wallet, I would look at them periodically to remind myself of what I wanted to work towards and achieve. Well, today I will be crossing off the last goal on this list and that is the "Arnold's".  
At the time I wrote these goals I did not know how I would get here or when but I knew this was a dream I had, and today this dream is coming true.  I have always written down my goals, monthly, yearly ect, but today as I get ready to get on stage it is amazing to think about the power of goal setting. That being said one can't just write a list and wait, you must work towards achieving your goals each day, doing your best at each moment and never giving up. 

I wrote this on the back side of my list as a little pep talk to myself

" I believe in You and your goals, Nothing will stand in your way of reaching them.  I believe in You! Reach for the Stars! You will have all you ever dreamed of and much more. I love you Aeryon"

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

1 Week!!!

Can't believe in 1 week I will be on a plane Columbus bound!!! Heading to the Arnold Classic to compete in the Amateur Bikini division. This is a dream come true, to be on that stage, with all those athletes, I grew up with a father who loved bodybuilding and I am thankful his passion was passed down to me. The past 16 weeks have been dedicated to this goal and it is almost here, I have given 110% to this. I know that I have done everything I can to bring my best package, there are no "would have's....should have's or could have's"  that is how I try to operate in all aspects of my life. Give 110% and you cannot judge yourself as you did the best you could in that moment.
So this week I want to really absorb everything that is going on, to enjoy every second. Try my best to be present and aware, as before I know it I will be home and it will be over........but there is always another goal around the corner...

Sunday, 10 February 2013


I am not a person who likes Fat Burners or Stimulants, I do not like the buzzed out feeling or feeling out of sorts. However, now being so close to the Arnold's I feel tired, at times unfocused and irritable.  So that even makes it more exciting the Sd Pharmaceuticals has Dendrobium, this product is derived from an Orchid and is all natural. Helps with focus, clarity, gives me energy, with no jitters, or crashing...and the effect is fast. I love this product. It has gotten me through many a workouts and days latley! So if you are a student, a shift worker, need focus and energy (which I believe is all of us at times), without the side effects of staying up all night...This is the product for you!!!!

For more information please check out:

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

3 Weeks Out

   I am 3 weeks away from my biggest show to date, the Arnold Amateur, I am so excited to be part of this competition.

  I have decided on my suit colour, it is a beautiful......(not telling,  I have always changed my suit with each show,  I like having different suit pics and watching my bodies progression. My diet is really strict now, no cheat days at all,  we started carb cycling, so 2 days at a higher carb count then dropping low for one day, protein/fiber stays the same, fats are dropped by half on the lower days. We are hoping to pull me in even tighter and leaner than past shows, so far it seems to be working. Cardio is up to two 50 min sessions each day with weight training 2 days on and 1 day off. This sometimes is a challenge being a full time working mom, so I have moved my treadmill into the living room so in the mornings I can talk with my daughter as I run. Must say does not really go with the decor but gives my daughter more balance.

 I think it is amazing if you have those around you who support and encourage you, I am lucky enough to have a wonderful boyfriend who has been so great through all of this. It is not easy to be with a competitor, the countless gym hours, prepping food (the constant smell of fish wafting through the house), I am tired, grouchy, and at times....emotional. He is a constant encouragement and support to me everyday.  For that I am so thankful....

  Energy wise I do feel good,  the low carb days tend to be a little rough as I am tired but I know this is my choice and I have to put in the work to get the results.  I watch alot of the competition videos to help to motivate and inspire me. I started posing every Sunday with my coaches and their team so being with a group of competitors helps push me along. I know before I know it the show will be I am trying to enjoy each step of this journey....

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Finding Inner Peace

Many people do not know this about me but I have battled an eating disorder most of my life. When I was growing up I was considered a chunkier/thicker child.  In grade 7 my parents put me into Weight Watchers which started my weight loss journey.  In looking back at pictures I don't see an obese child, what I see now is a little girl who was trying to get attention by filling herself with food.
When I was 14 I thought I had discovered what I thought was the best "weight loss" solution, I had a friend who's sister had been battling bulimia and to me it seemed like the perfect method. Not only did I get to eat whatever I wanted BUT.....I could get rid of it at no caloric consequence. I felt as though I finally had won!!
 As the years progressed my binging and purging worsened and it became a daily battle to not "loose it".  Some days I would think I had it beat then I would take 1tablespoon to much and I was sent into a tailspin searching for anything to fill my void. As my disease worsened so did my teeth and my eyes, to this day I am still paying costly dental bills due to the damage I have done.
So this original idea of having "Control" over my weight now had complete 100% control over every part of my life. I couldn't go out to eat in fear that if I needed to "loose it" I would not be able too.  I did not want my friends or family knowing about what I was doing and I became completely controlled by this disease. For over 10 years of my life any family holiday I had to plan ahead which bathroom I would use and how I would get away when needed. I remember waking up from nightmares where I had binged in my dream and could not find somewhere to "loose it".
When I started competing 10 years ago I thought I had beat it, as I had to follow such a strict diet plan I could not deviate and the binging subsided.  However, once the show was over I would fall back into my old routine, and at this point my body was so deprived it held on to any calories I took in so matters became even worse.
Four years ago I had my daughter Mekaella, I knew that I did not want her to follow in my footsteps.  I made the conscious effort to change the voice in my head, from "You'll get fat if you don't get rid of it" to "You will never have the life you want to have if you continue doing this of it".
I had to really fight against this inner voice that controlled me for so long. However, over time the voice became quieter,  and I became more relaxed with food.
I then began to look at my trigger foods and started eliminating them from my diet processed foods, wheat, grains ect. I started eating whole foods, fruits, meats and nuts, I am not going to binge on a bag of apples or a steak.  Changing my food choices also has greatly helped with the urge to binge.
Last year when I started competing again that was a real concern of mine that I would fall back into the trap of years past . I am happy to report that I have not, and it is not that I don't hear that old voice, but now I have learned to not give that voice the control it once had. I am in control of this journey and I will "Live my Best Life" and everyday I am working towards that....

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Cracked Rib

Well this Christmas some people got presents, and I received a cracked rib. Now how I received this cracked/broken rib (can't tell from Xrays) is another story. For the past couple weeks my side has been sore, I even went to my Dr to see if he could tell me what was the problem was, he informed me that it might be a pulled ligament and there is nothing that can be done.
However, last week I was wrestling with my boyfriend and heard a large alarming "POP" come from my back. That entailed the next 5 hrs in emergency at the hospital, which in case you are wondering cracked Ribs are on the bottom of the waiting room list. When I was finally seen I was notified that there was nothing that could be done and that I was not to train for the next 4-6 weeks....ummm well that is not happening.
So now I will have to resort to less strenuous cardio, go slow with the weights and pay strict attention to my diet.....but on another note to self.....don't wrestle with a 280lb man....