Last year I sat in two different
cities listening to Oprah speak at the “Live Your Best Life Tour”.
One of the points she really drummed
home to the audience was acknowledging and listening to your gut feeling. This
is not a new concept to me. I am sure you can all relate to different times in
your life when something just does not feel right.
What usually starts as a whisper or a
questioning “hummmm”. If we do not
listen to this quiet voice it will have the tendency to turn to a shout. Then if
you still do not pay attention it eventually will become a hit upside the head.
Whether it be work, friendship, relationships,
or just even something random. Becoming attuned how your body responds to
different circumstances can act as your compass in life. I know I actually feel
it physically in my gut and time and time again my intuition has proven to be
Rather than ignoring or pushing this feeling
aside if we can respect our intuition it can essentially save us wasted time
and effort.
What I know for sure is I have got
the lesson to honor my intuition.