Thursday, 19 November 2015

Intuition....Listen to the Whisper

Last year I sat in two different cities listening to Oprah speak at the “Live Your Best Life Tour”.
One of the points she really drummed home to the audience was acknowledging and listening to your gut feeling. This is not a new concept to me. I am sure you can all relate to different times in your life when something just does not feel right.
What usually starts as a whisper or a questioning “hummmm”.  If we do not listen to this quiet voice it will have the tendency to turn to a shout. Then if you still do not pay attention it eventually will become a hit upside the head.
 Whether it be work, friendship, relationships, or just even something random. Becoming attuned how your body responds to different circumstances can act as your compass in life. I know I actually feel it physically in my gut and time and time again my intuition has proven to be correct.
 Rather than ignoring or pushing this feeling aside if we can respect our intuition it can essentially save us wasted time and effort.
What I know for sure is I have got the lesson to honor my intuition.


Follow my journey:
IG: @AeryonBelaAshlie
FB: Aeryon Bela Ashlie
Twitter: @aeryonashlie

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Faith and Prayer

I was raised in a Christian household.  I grew up with the Bible, prayer, and an understanding that there is something greater then myself.
As I have grown older I have formulated my own beliefs and faith practices. My daughter currently attends a Christian Seventh Day Adventist school.  Christianity is so interwoven through our culture, I want her to have an appreciation of the Bible and it’s message, although I don’t believe there is just one way to connect with God or the Universal power. There is something to be said about the message. I have always loved the definition of GOD as Good Orderly Direction and learning to tap into that will never lead you astray.

During difficult times knowing that I have something to turn to has been my saving grace.  Prayer and faith has pulled me through. I may not understand the reasons behind certain events or circumstances, but I trust that a power far greater than myself is at work.
We all have different ways to connect with this Greater power, energy, or whatever you call it. Teaching my daughter that we are not alone even in our darkest hours can hopefully enable her to push through and always see the light. I know for my own journey it has been paramount.

                                                      Follow Me:
            Facebook: Aeryon Bela Ashlie
  IG: @AeryonBelaAshlie
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