So many woman are scared of creatine, scared of building too much muscle, getting "bulky", gaining weight, water retention and taking what they think is a man's product. Well, I am here to tell you Creatine HCL by SD Pharmaceuticals is not only a fantastic product for men but a very beneficial for women.
I myself use this product, it gives me continuous energy, endurance, and strength by replacing ATP. ATP is the very first energy source your body uses when doing any movement. So having this available as a constant source your body will recover faster, create strength and muscle fibres, which in turn means more muscle which burns more fat. The advantage of Creatine HCL over creatine monohydrate is it does not cause water retention, there is no loading, and the body absorbs it faster. Plus it tastes like pink lemonade....I mean really who does not like pink lemonade...and the newest flavour delicious...
Creatine will not make you a monster, so do not be afraid to train hard, lift heavy and use products like Creatine HCL.
Developing muscle growth and size that is often associated with these type of products actually comes from diet. I train heavy I train hard and I eat right and I am not a 200lb muscle head. Guys have to work just as hard to gain weight as we do to loose weight, they eat continuously (damn them) while we count our calories...
Another note is the benefit for seniors, I have my grandma on Creatine. As you get older your body does not produce as much creatine so for seniors to have 5grams (roughly teaspoon) will help with energy levels, muscle recover, muscle if you have a senior in your life....consider getting this product for them as well....
For more information regarding SD HCL Creatine please check out
You can also see my training program and diet there as well....