Saturday, 29 December 2012

SD Green Tea

Been awhile since I have written, just added a new product to my current supplement stack, Green Tea by SD Pharmaceuticals.  Green Tea is not only an excellent Antioxidant but also increases fat burning without any stimulants, and the best part is it gives me energy.  I find that as I get closer to show time my energy level lowers, I don't drink coffee and can't use stimulants so I found that Green Tea works really well for me. I am currently stacking this with my SD L-Carnitine and will add in the Green Coffee Bean in the next several weeks. The best part is being able to control each individual product that I use and the dosage.

For more information please check out:

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

And So it Begins....

So after Nationals I decided to give my body a break,  I kept in the in basics, Progressive Multi, Vegegreens, OmegaEssential Fish Oil, Calcium and HCP70 Probiotic. These are the building blocks and I believe in taking them year round. However,  Fat Burners, Pre Workouts, BCAA's, Sport Supplements ect I stopped, for no other reason then to just take a break. I think it is important to give your body a break, I believe that your body responds better when you start up again.

Well...I have started again, the Arnold Amateur's are 14 weeks away and let me tell you...... I missed my Supplements!!! The first supplement I started back with was my SD Pharmaceutical L-Carnitine, now for those of you who do not know L-Carnitine is one of the best Supplements out there! I used this product for Nationals this past Aug and I had amazing results. It has a whole host of benefits, fat loss, energy, bone building, brain health, heart health, the list goes on and on. I also like the fact it is non stimulant as I am very sensitive to stimulants so this product gives no jitters. This Super Supplement from SD provides a noticeable difference for me in and out of the gym, I feel stronger, tighter, I have more energy!! Stay tuned as I continue to add to my Supplement Stack in the weeks ahead....

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

My Mom Patch....

I wrote this blog several years ago.....but it still resonates...

I used to relish the days on the road. Just me on my way, map in my hand, hotel rooms booked, visiting my stores. A chance to get a mini vacation yet I was still technically working. A break from picking up toys, washing and folding clothes, dishes, making meals...well you get the picture I'm sure. 

Lately this has changed, the night before I am consumed with worry. What if something happens, to Me? Or God forbid to Mekaella? I can't sleep, my mind races, maybe I should not go? What if I don't listen to this voice and I should have. I know I have to work and I have to trust that we are always taken care of but sometimes that is hard...

As I stand in her room watching her sleep in the morning before I leave. She is pure perfection, that was the first thing I said when I saw her "She's Perfect", and I still think that (most days). I once could never imagine my life with children and now I could never imagine my life without her. Funny how these little beings come into your world and take over. Your world that consisted of your own "Important" wants and needs....humm what will I wear today?....hummm where are we going Friday night?...hummm should I do two cardio sessions today?

Then you meet your baby and all that changes forever, PJ's to Walmart are new fashion choice, hair thrown in the bun (lucky to be washed) is the new look, mascara IF you are lucky becomes all your make up, exercise is taken over by no sleep and breast feeding and don't even get me started on getting your hair highlighted cause that becomes a thing in the past at least for awhile. 

These were all things I never considered losing when I had Mekaella, but one that has remained is the terrifying thought of losing this little person that means the world to me. I don't think that will ever go away, I guess that is the patch I wear on my heart "Mom". I just have to have faith and trust that we will be taken care of.

Thank you Universe for blessing me with her...Please keep us safe while we are apart...

Sunday, 4 November 2012

16 Weeks and Counting...36 Weeks of Living

    This is the final weekend, 16 weeks from now I will be standing on the Arnold Amateur Stage, this is a huge honour and my biggest show to date. If you would have asked me a year ago where  I thought I would be or what fitness goals I would be working towards now I would never in a million years dreamt this. The past year has been surreal to me, I feel so blessed and excited for this new journey. So the "No Cheating" begins tomorrow and I am excited to see what improvements I can bring to this upcoming show.

  Speaking of "No Cheating" I am asked quite often how I handle the dieting, I no longer believe in an "Off Season".  I used too, which followed with gaining a ton of weight and being very unhappy with myself. I had dedicated months to dieting only to spend the following post show months eating as much as I could get my hands on because I was "Off Season". That mentality took away any joy I had from competing, that was the main reason I had decided not to do it again, I did not want to fall into the trap of losing and gaining.

 So I do not diet anymore, not to say that show prep time I don't get more stringent with my food choices but I have decided to be a healthy example to those around me and to my daughter year round. I want to look good, have energy, and be healthy, this is my lifestyle. I choose to live this way on a day to day basis, I eat the same things I eat during show prep, and believe it or not I actually really like them. I have been able to maintain a small weight gain after Nationals and I do not feel deprived in anyway.

I believe in my lifestyle which does consist of eating out of plastic boxes, prepping my food each night, insane amounts of chicken,  broccoli, egg whites, and of course my beloved Pnt Butter. That also being said when I do not have a show in the forecast I do enjoy my dark chocolate, aged White Cheddar (Balderson to be exact) and a great glass of wine, but not every night. I choose to eat cleaner because I at the end of every day I love how I feel and look.

I love training, it is not something I do just for a show, it is not a chore to me, it has been part of who I am since I was 16, if I don't train I get extremely grumpy. When I am upset, or in a mood, the gym is my place to get away to be with my thoughts, my second home, and has become my drug of choice I guess you could say.

 I also take my supplements that I know are 100% true to label and give me the results I need. So in the next 16 weeks things my diet will get tighter, my training will pick up, and my supplements will increase but keeping things on track those other 36 weeks enables me to not have to suffer anymore.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Not Enough.....

In all Honesty....this week was a tough week for me....

   I am often asked how I do it all, hold it all together. With work, being a single mom, training, keeping things organized and flowing day to day. I usually respond "I just do it", and for the most part I just do, there is no other option.  I know that I have to stay in control of my "ship" as I am the only one responsible for it.
 However sometimes there are days like this week that I feel like I can't hold it all together. I feel like I'm not being the best Mom, the hardest worker, greatest daughter, most supportive friend, my training is not up to the level I expect and I am just not being the best "Aeryon" I can be....I feel like....I'm not enough...
 I just want to crawl into bed cover my head and let someone else take over.

But that is not an option for me.....I can't........

So what do I choose to do.........

Well.....first thing is take a breath...I always tell Mekaella that when she is upset or crying "Take a Breath" a Deep one....

Then I try to think.....
Somedays I will not be 100% and that is's ok to give myself a really is ok...
That everyone makes mistakes....
That I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this moment in time...there is nowhere else I could be...
In 5 years will this really matter?
And Try to Remember...

"All you can do is walk through it" (a great friend told me that once)

I have so many blessings in my life which is why I don't like to complain....
I make a choice to be positive...
However.....sometimes there are days.....
Those days are what put everything into perspective....

And............If all else fails......I put on some Tiesto......and have a dance party

Sunday, 30 September 2012

The Letters


    Friday I went to the mailbox and pulled out a copious of mail..... I was on the road working in the interior for 5 days so no mailbox checking had added up.
As I filed through mass of bills, flyers (which speaking of... I should really get them to stop wasting their paper on me...I mean I never read them), dental check reminders (how nice of them) and pizza specials.
Imagine my excitement when I saw the letter from the Arnold Sports Festival!! I had applied 3 weeks ago to compete in the 2013 Bikini Amateur division at the Arnold's on Feb 28th.
Placing Top 5 at Nationals had qualified me and since I had already booked my flight and hotel I was getting antsy waiting for my acceptance letter.
Here it was!! I am competing at the Arnold's, now be it is it the amateur level I am still thrilled. My Dad was a Body Builder and growing up I was surround by Flex and Muscle & Fitness magazine's.  To think I will be on that stage is a dream come true. I did a little "Yeah Me" dance in the kitchen...I was on a high...
Now in this same mail opening event....I opened a letter from the Government of Canada......Needless to say I was not doing a happy dance....I am being my "Happy Dance" was frozen. I think I even heard the music in my head go "Wah...Wah...Wahhhhh"
I kinda went into a I scanned the letter and went over all the things I had to provide I must admit I kinda panicked.
Then I started to laugh....Life is an amazing crazy series of events....2 Seconds prior I was on a high and now it all seemed to fall down.
So I picked up my Arnold letter and started doing my happy dance again... I know that life will always through me curve balls and I will get through this one like all the ones before,  hopefully without having to give anymore money to the Government...after all I have been eyeing this new Louis Vuitton purse...

Friday, 21 September 2012

The Grind

I have a confession....

  I must admit I have never really thought of myself as an "Athlete" more so a "Show Pony", I like looking pretty, and occasionally I kinda prance. I have had no desire to Climb Mountains, Spartan Dash,Warrior Race, Bike Race, Marathon or do any activities that would get me "dirty".

I like my LuLu Lemon's clean, my Reeboks with no mud in the tracks, I love the smell of the gym, the shine of weights, mirrors to look into and newly cleaned cardio equipment with tv's that I can watch as I exercise.

Now I know many have found that surprising over the years, thinking I look like the outdoors type only to be dismayed when I looked back in shock and disgust when I was asked to go hiking. I preferred to be timed, usually by a tv program as to when my gym session was over.

Until recently....

 I have discovered the "Grind".....

Now I had made myself do this gruelling mountain climb when I first moved here 5 years ago as kinda an initiation to being a new Vancouverite. After that first torturous climb I confirmed my belief in why I don't do outdoor activities. I hated it.....I did go one other time with friends in which I must admit I complained and wined the whole climb.

But 2 weeks ago I attempted this climb again and timed myself, and I noticed such a difference in my body then next day. This workout kicked my butt literally,  the next day I was tighter and felt fantastic. I am far more aware of my body this time and the effect that this intense workout had on it.

So I did it again this week in which I must say I did it in 46 min (from what I have heard that is pretty good) I also bought a heart monitor (getting serious) in which to see where I am at. The climb is non stop and the only one I was challenging was myself.

As I climbed whenever I wanted to stop I began to think of all the obstacles I have worked through to get to where I am today, and that if I can get through those then I can get my butt in gear and work hard to get up that mountain.

In reflection, climbing that mountain is kinda like my life, sometimes I fall and trip but I get up, at times I want to quit but there is no choice but to work through it, no one is going to carry me up to the top except myself,  this is about my journey, my time and pushing through any thoughts of self defeat....

So my new goal is to do the Grind every week until the snow falls, to push myself to work harder, beat my personal best, and become best I can be......kinda like my life....

You never might see me at a Spartan/Warrior Dash Race in the future...even if I am just in the beer tent afterwards cheering everyone else on.....

Sunday, 16 September 2012

My Baby's 4th

It's hard to believe that 4 years ago this morning I was holding my newborn Mekaella Beatrice. I never thought being a mother was in my cards. Little did I even comprehend the amazing journey I was about to embark upon.

Watching her grow and learn to become the little 4 year old she is today has been incredible. I have come to understand a new level of patience, lack of sleep, joy, fear, pride and the deepest love ever experienced with having her in my life.

There are times when I am overwhelmed with work, training, new puppy and trying to give her the 100% she deserves. At times I feel I am not the best I can be, however I know I am trying my hardest and somehow it seems to all work out.

 I am always asked how I manage to do it all and truth be told sometimes I don't even know. I do know that I try to make every moment count, work hard, train hard, play hard. I try to be the best I can be with each moment, sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don't. At the end of the day as long as I gave it my best that is all I can do. Then I just have to take a breathe, let it go and move on.

I am excited to continue to grow with my little girl, and continue to try to be the best me I can possibly be, not only for myself but also for her....